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Church Membership

The New Testament Model


Why Membership?

When Jesus founded the church, he meant it to be more than a spectator event. He told Peter, "On this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." After Jesus rose again, he sent his disciples out into all the world to make more disciples, to baptize them, and to teach them all the Lord commanded. A part of this process was and is planting churches.

The first church plant happened in Jerusalem at Pentecost when three thousand people were "added" to the membership role in one day (Acts 2:41-47). From there, the church has grown in town after town, city after city, throughout the world. Churches have gathered together throughout the ages, covenanting to walk together and carry out Christ's mission.

When a person comes to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, they are joined spiritually to the body of Christ. After this, they are called to join a local body of Christ, the church.

How to Become a Member

A New Heart

The first step to membership is the most important of all the steps. One must first have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. In the Bible, the church is called the body of Christ. Once a person is spiritually joined to the body of Christ by salvation, they must join the physical body of Christ on earth, the local church.


Before a person is joined to the church, they must share their testimony, explaining how they came to a saving relationship with Jesus.


Baptism is a symbolic act that publicly declares that one is a believer in Jesus Christ.  It is considered the Christian rite of passage. When a person steps into the baptismal waters, they are leaving the world behind. When they are immersed under the water, they are dying to the world and dying with Christ. When they are raised up, they are raised to new life with Christ, leaving their old life behind and entering into the realm of the church.


When the church gathers together to witness the baptism of new members, we also vote those new members into the church.


When local churches form, they covenant to do church together. If a new believer wants to join that group of believers, they must agree to the church's covenant, promising to be an active member of that church and to put themselves under its authority for their spiritual growth and perseverance.

Growth & Service

When a person joins the church, they are joining the mission of that church.  It is an exciting thing to join together with other believers and work towards the end for which God created us.

Sign up for the next membership class. 

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