Kids & Youth Ministries
A place where kids & youth can learn about God, develop meaningful friendships, and have fun!
We seek to partner with parents in raising the next generation for Jesus. To that end, our programs center on the Bible and teaching young people what it says and how it applies to our lives.

We use the Answers Bible Curriculum to teach children age-appropriate lessons through the entire Bible.
Based on the Word
Each child is given the opportunity to memorize Bible verses and share them with their teacher for points to be used at the BLAST Store.​
Scripture Memory
Each week, your child will receive a take-home sheet based on the lesson to complete and bring back. Parents can get involved in what they are learning.​
Take-Home Sheets
Kids earn points for bible memory, attendance, take-home sheets, and more that they can use to buy prizes at the store held two times a year.​
Blast Store
We offer two small groups for adults during BLAST. One group meets in our Torch Building, and the Women’s Group meets in the Education Lobby; both meet at 6:15 PM. Parents are welcome to join these groups and dig deeper into the Word.
For Parents

Children's Church
Kids are invited to join us for Children's Church during the sermon on Sunday mornings, which is available both services. Please arrive early to check in your kids or sign them up ahead of time by clicking the button below.
Nursery: 6 weeks - 24 months
Toddlers: Age 2 - 3
PreK-K: Age 4 to Kindergarten
1st - 2nd: Grade 1 - Grade 2
Adventure Bible Class: Grades 3 - 5 meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month
Youth Group
Youth group is about helping young people grow in their knowledge of God and make wise decisions for their life. The middle & high school years are formative. Students are making important decisions about their identity, their beliefs, and their friends. The youth group is here to help young people on this journey.
Wednesdays 6:00 - 7:45 PM