Church Membership Covenant
Having received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and having been baptized, and being in agreement with Cross Pointe Church goals, doctrine and leadership, I now choose to unite with the Cross Pointe Family. In doing so, I commit myself to God and to the other members to do the following:
1. I will protect the unity of the church.
a. by acting in love toward other members
b. by refusing to gossip
c. by following the leaders, biblically
2. I will share the responsibility of my church.
a. By praying for it's growth
b. By inviting the unchurched to attend
c. By warmly welcoming those who visit
3. I will serve the ministry of my church.
a. by discovering my gifts and talents
b. by being equipped to serve by my pastors
c. by developing a servant's heart
4. I will support the testimony of my church.
a. by attending faithfully
b. by living a godly life
c. by giving regularly