Small Groups
A way to get connected and belong
What are Small Groups?
As the local church continues to grow, it becomes challenging to get connected with everyone. To overcome this challenge, we established our Small Group Ministry. Its goal is to develop an intimate church community founded on maintaining unity and mutual encouragement by focusing on applying God's Word to everyday aspects of life.

How Do Small Groups Work?
Our Small Groups typically meet throughout the year, with breaks around summer and Christmas. They meet either weekly or every other week outside the church, often in the leader's home. Small Groups range in size and often have a general shared stage of life. Finally, most groups are sermon-based, meaning that they review and discuss the previous sermon.
Who Can Lead A Small Group?
All our Small Groups are led by Cross Pointe Members who have been approved by the Small Group Lead and our Elder Board. Our groups can meet weekly or biweekly for a time to connect, pray, discuss the sermon, and fellowship with one another. Small Groups typically meet throughout the year with breaks taking place around summer and Christmas.

Can I Bring My Kids Or Do I Need To Find A Sitter?
Each group can decide what works best for them. Some groups have arranged for an older child (teenager) to watch all the other smaller children, each chipping in some money for their hard work. We encourage you to clarify this with the Small Group Leader prior to attending your first small group.
How Do I Submit An Application To Be A Small Group Leader?
Leading a Small Group is reserved for Members of Cross Pointe Church, as they will be representatives of our church for the group. As a Small Group leader, you will also be responsible for knowing and correctly teaching theological doctrine. If you are interested in submitting an application to become a Small Group Leader, use the link below.